The FGC AGM will take place on the second Thursday of May, the 12th May 2022, to be exact.
The first for a number of years.
We need to discuss how the FGC goes forward after the events of the Pandemic.
Not least how the club is to be financed, as many models have been proposed and need to be aired in front of the for a decision.
If you have something that you think needs to be formally discussed, then please put it in writing and give it to one of the committee so we can add it to the agenda.
Generally, the AGM follows this pattern.
Minutes from the last AGM are presented, discussed, corrected if necessary and approved.
Statements are then made by the Executive Officers, who will invite questions after they have finished.
Then we hold elections for the executive and ordinary officers.
If you wish to stand for a post, please try and submit your application before the AGM, though in the interest of fairness, we will take nominations at the event. (NB: To stand, you must have been an FGC member for a full year.)
There are three executive posts (Chair, Treasurer and Secretary) and four ordinary posts. We keep it that way, so the executive can always be outvoted by the ordinary members.
Then we discuss the Club finances and fees for the coming year.
Then we discuss any other items formerly listed on the agenda.
Then we move on to AOB (Any other business.) This is where you can ask ANY question regarding the FGC for discussion by the meeting in general. These discussions can get lively, so please refer to the ‘GENERAL RULES OF CONDUCT’ below.
Once the meeting has decided there is nothing left to talk about, the meeting is declared closed and we all go and play games.
(NOTE: For formal proposals, the proposer makes a statement. This should be seconded. Counter proposals can at this point be made. They should also be seconded. Then a free form question and answer session will take place.)
If you wish to address the meeting, please raise your hand and the Chair of the meeting will indicate when it is your turn to speak. The Chair will endeavour to ensure everyone will have their chance.
PLEASE DO NOT speak over someone else. Not only is it rude, it is also more difficult to understand what is being said AND it makes the meeting last longer.
ALL questions should be directed to the Chair of the meeting and should be apposite to the current subject under discussion.
(Please note: it is also within the remit for the Chair to decide that you should finish speaking, if they deem that a point has been sufficiently made. This should be executed and received in a timely and good humoured manner.)
The FGC constitution is available on-line and should be consulted for specific regulations.
If you have questions (especially members who have never experienced an FGC AGM), please ask them and we will do our best to answer.
Posted Sunday 1st May 2022 10:51:30 by Ian Pearson