21st Feb

Games played.

On the date the unmanned Soviet spaceship Luna 20 landed on the Moon (in 1972) a great number of games were manned at the FGC. Also, for the first time in many months, ‘Brass: Birmingham’ did not make the list. (Shame! - [ED])

We had a c. 60% turnout and as everyone knows, the sign of a healthy hobby club is the percentage that turn up to meetings. Well done to you all, but where are the other 40%? You are missing out on all the fun!

So many people, that we almost ran out of tables. We may need to buy some more!

The echo of happy laughter was again a problem. Far too many of you seemed to be having such a good time the level of noise exceeded the capacity of the room to absorb it. A ‘nice’ problem to have, but for the next meeting, we are going to spread out a bit more and one member is going to get hold of some sound baffling partitions.

While this will no doubt help, discussions have again taken place with the Old Finchleians towards finding a more permanent solution.

As they said, “it’s early days and we are learning as we go along”.

One final thought, is that if anyone wants a quiet space to play, we do have access to the changing rooms.

Posted Wednesday 27th February 2019 16:45:55 by Ian Pearson


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