Games played:
"The time has come,' the Walrus said,
To talk of many things:
Of shoes and ships and sealing-wax
Of cabbages and kings
And other board game themes …. ”
(With apologies to Lewis Carroll)
Not a bad set of games, considering it was the FGC end of season event.
While there was a semi-party atmosphere it wasn’t quite raucous fracas that we normally have at that time of year, a la the Silly Games Night.
Well, I’m happy to announce that instead we are having a (VERY) SILLY GAMES NIGHT on 3rd January at the Old Finchleians sports ground. (Watch this space for the exact details.)
Yes, it has been confirmed that they are ready to welcome us back and it seems fitting that the first event is the delayed end of year FGC party, which is now the New Year FGC party.
I have checked and the roof is now on properly, which is the problem that prevented the planned fun and games for the 20th Dec. I haven’t seen the changes, but I have been told that it’s a complete redesign and that the changes are very good indeed. (If we are lucky, they may even have a tea and coffee machine).
The other thing that will be happening tomorrow (1st Jan) is that the number of Facebook pages for the FGC will be reduced by one. It has proved a little confusing having two, so some of you may need to reset their links.
This will leave the FGC with the Facebook page and the newly designed website, which should be excellent once the latest improvements have been fully tested and made live.
So just to confirm:
Posted Monday 31st December 2018 17:18:29 by Ian Pearson